Saint Bernard Dog with Puppy

Saint Bernard


st ben

Saint Bernard Dog Breeds Powerful, proportionately tall figure, strong and muscular in every part, with powerful head and most intelligent expression. In dogs with a dark mask the expression appears more stern, but never ill-natured.

This genial giant is nonetheless among the world’s most famous and beloved breeds. The Saint Bernard Dog Breeds written standard abounds with phrases like “very powerful,” “extraordinarily muscular,” “imposing,” and “massive.” A male stands a minimum 27.5 inches at the shoulder; females will be smaller and more delicately built. The huge head features a wrinkled brow, a short muzzle, and dark eyes, combining to give Saints the intelligent, friendly expression that was such a welcome sight to stranded Alpine travelers.

breed info

Like the whole body, very powerful and imposing. The massive skull is wide, slightly arched and the sides slope in a gentle curve into the very strongly developed, high cheek bones. Occiput only moderately developed. The supra-orbital ridge is very strongly developed and forms nearly a right angle with the long axis of the head. Deeply imbedded between the eyes and starting at the root of the muzzle, a furrow runs over the whole skull. It is strongly marked in the first half, gradually disappearing toward the base of the occiput. The lines at the sides of the head

diverge considerably from the outer corner of the eyes toward the back of the head. The skin of the forehead, above the eyes, forms rather noticeable wrinkles, more or less pronounced, which converge toward the furrow. Especially when the dog is alert or at attention the wrinkles are more visible without in the least giving the impression of morosity. Too strongly developed

Reference - American Kennel Club

  • Personality: Friendly, patient, outgoing; known as a great “nanny dog” for kids
  • Energy Level: Not very active; a mature Saint will be content with long walks and a romp on the lawn
  • Good with Children: Yes
  • Good with Other Dogs: With supervision
  • Shedding: Seasonal
  • Grooming: Weekly brushing
  • Trainability: Agreeable
  • Height: 28-30 inches (male), 26-28 inches (female)
  • Weight: 140-180 pounds (male), 120-140 pounds (female)
  • Life Expectancy: 8-10 years
  • Barking Level: Barks when necessary


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